
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 11064022
2.   CN 388371
3.   US 203082
4.   CA 199085
5.   NL 133823
6.   BG 92441
7.   IN 91116
8.   FR 90973
9.   RU 54312
10.   DE 54038
11.   GB 48993
12.   HK 36705
13.   KR 35245
14.   VN 34497
15.   BD 31186
Most abused passwords
1. password1 605176
2. Password1 601139
3. Password! 600251
4. Password01 599989
5. Password1! 258275
6. password 202613
7. Adm1n1 85275
8. Adm1N 85173
9. adM1N1 85133
10. aDM1N1 85132
11. ADM1N 85128
12. ADm1n 85125
13. adm123 85105
14. adm1n1 85083
15. aa 85079